Daniel Onaca

Daniel Onaca

Daniel Onaca (born August 12, 1954, Resita, Romania, moved to Sweden in 1986), librarian, writer, publisher, translator, and poet. His literary essays and reviews have been published in a number of Romanian and Swedish literary magazines. Onaca has published one senryu, one gogyohka (5-line poem similar to tanka) collection, and eight collections of haiku with 100 haiku in each one. The latest volume, Parfumuri vechi, arome noi: poeme haiku / Gamla dofter, nya aromer: haikudikter (Old Perfumes, New Flavors: Haiku Poems) is bilingual (Romanian-Swedish) and was published in 2020. Onaca resides in Malmö,

Photo by Margaretha Kåvestam (Daniel Onaca, Sweden 2020)

Books By Daniel Onaca